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Related: Crowd Cache, next-system-project-comparative-framework

Crowd Control is a new way to own and govern the land and tools required for the production of all the crucial goods and services we need.

Remixing ideas from Crowdfunding, Timebanking and Profit Sharing to make a new Mode of Production that can be implemented as a Terms of Operation over the shared property and promises required for that production.

Consumers are the only investors and the product itself is the only purpose of owning property under these terms.

These consumers become real owners and accept the product itself as the return on investment thereby avoiding future purchase.  Just as the owner of a tree does not buy the nuts, the owners of an orchard under these terms do not buy the nuts.  Investors prepay for future products, become owners in the property required for that production, and then accept the product itself as the return for that risk.

The Intra Owner Trade Agreement is the legally-binding agreement used to voluntarily enforce these rules through private property ownership.

The pilot project can start immediately by crowdfunding the land, tools, plants, animals and startup supplies without debt.

This property is used to create a private micro-city owned by the inhabitants.  Agriculture is carefully integrated around housing according to permaculture principles to produce all shelter, food, medicine, soap, clothing, etc. onsite.

Unlike a consumer cooperative, the owners do not buy goods and services back from themselves, but instead, each owns their portion of the product automatically.  This eliminates profit, except when selling surplus to non-owners.

A worker's commitment to work in the future is treated as an investment that vests on a work-to-own basis - meaning these workers become debt-free owners in all the property required to create all they need, as they fulfill their promises.  These workers do not have any bills or debt.

When selling surplus, we allow the market to set the price and collect profit, but then treat some of that profit as the payer's investment.  Treating profit as though the payer were investing causes ownership in the growth of the group to be automatically distributed to those who paid for that growth.  Over time, as non-owners continue to pay profit, they slowly gain enough property to also avoid paying profit.

This reduces profit for predictable needs.

You can invest more than you are able to consume, and can profit nicely, but since some part of profit must be treated as the payer's investment, all consumers will eventually gain the property they need to protect themselves.

Treating profit as the payer's investment allows us to distribute growth automatically as we scale.

Concentration control becomes a problem for even the most well-intentioned organizations.

Secession rights are crucial for healthy cell division.

===Was Marx Wrong?
Saint IGNUcius (Richard Stallman) claims we must protect Users, not Developers.

"'With free software, the users are in control.  Most of the time, users want interoperability, and when the software is free, they get what they want.  With non-free software, the developer controls the users.  The developer permits interoperability when that suits the developer; what the users want is beside the point.'" -- "Three Minutes with Richard Stallman" http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,137098-c,freeware/article.html

In his model, it is the consumers, not the workers who should control the Means of Production.

When consumers own the Means of Production and accept goods and services as the return on investment, work is no longer considered a goal in itself, but returns to it's natural position as a hurdle to be minimized.

Trading promises early allows us to swap skills and specialize without passing tokens even while solving the "simultaneous coincidence of wants" problem that faces typical barter.

Treating profit as an investment from the payer causes the property ownership of the organization to be automatically distributed to those who paid for that growth and need the results.

Secession keeps control localized as groups grow and need to split.

Profit is reduced as consumers gain property.